Friday, December 13, 2013

Benefits of Exercise

There are many benefits to exercise that help us human’s through out our every day life style. Exercising is one of the most important things that we humans must do on a daily life and has many benefits. 

The Benefits of Exercise

Exercising allows us and our body to  be mentally healthy and physically healthy in such means an healthy body equals an healthy soul.  Its medically proven that exercise decreases up to 35% the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, 50% risk of type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.

Planking helps you develop fitness training

The Right Exercise For Your Body

Maintaining and healthy diet with the right Exercise also helps. In conclusion, Having the right exercise that works for your body such as doing cardio, spinning class or doing yoga, any exercise can be very helpful for you and prevent you from many diseases that you might get in the future.

Change Your Lifestyle and See The Results

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Which Type of Yoga is Right For You?

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient form of meditation an awareness practice that synchronies body, mind and breath. The practice has numerous physical and psychological benefits, including: improved strength, muscle tone, flexibility and joint mobility better sleep, enhanced feelings of wellbeing, and relief from stress, anxiety and depression. With the popularity of yoga rising throughout the western world, you have probably heard about it's healing powers by now. However, you still aren't sure exactly what kind of yoga may be right for your lifestyle. Chances are, you have probably asked everyone you know who practices yoga. While they may have a few suggestions, they may be bias in their decision making when it comes to which type of yoga you should choose.
The Key To Yoga is Balance

The Types of Yoga

Hatha yoga (of which means union) is a term for yoga that employs both physical, and breathing exercise to calm the mind. This is only one of eight branches of traditional yoga, which has been passed down for generations in ancient Indian philosophy. It is thought that this style of yoga can help to attain enlightenment. Among these types of yoga that have stemmed from Hatha, you will find Raga, Mantra, and Tantra. All of which are considered to be philosophical styles of yoga, which are focused on elevating a person's mental state. It is common for Hatha yoga classes to ask their practitioners to follow a certain dietary conservation as well as ethical codes of living. Ashtanga Viniyasa is one of the most increasingly popular forms of yoga in the last few years. It is a physical and mentally challenging form of yoga. Of which focuses on the unity between movement and breathing.
Another popular form of yoga is Viniyoga. Of which is known for it's personalized touch. Each session of Viniyoga is tailored specially for the individual practitioner and their needs. These classes can vary from as short as fifteen minutes to two to three hours. However it is one of the best one-on-one yoga training that you can find. This is especially wonderful for anyone who might find it difficult to follow an instructor within a large class. This class is particularly well suited for children and those with medical conditions. Simply because it is so personal, and allows the trainer to keep your body, health, and physical limitations in mind when creating your routine.
The last form of yoga that is commonly practiced in the western world is Iyengar. Which is a slower and more precise means of practicing yoga. It is by far the most practiced yoga throughout the world (spanning not only in the western world). It plays in important role in one's bodily alignment and posture. This is particularly well suited for those with back-pain or any other severe or chronic pain. This form of yoga is also particularly suitable for seniors, as they practice with many different props to aid in their posture progression.

The Most Popular Types of Yoga

The three popular types of yoga you may have heard of are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is the style of yoga most practiced today. It is what you will think of when you think of yoga in general. Power yoga is a more aerobic-style yoga, with an emphasis on cardio. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga performed in a heated room to accelerate detoxification.

Wake up and Workout

Are You Ready to See Your Body Change?

It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body change. It takes 8 weeks for your friends and family to see your body change. It takes 12 weeks for the rest of the would to see your body change. When are you willing to start changing your life style? Are you ready to see your body change? You only get one body in your lifetime might as well make it the best it could be.
Be Beautiful, be Strong & Be You and Join Bfit Gym

Change Your Life Style

Be beautiful, be strong, Be you. What else can I say? Bfit is a personal training high interval intensity work out. They will push you to the limit. You will leave the gym crawling. Honestly, thats how you know you've done your best. They offer qualified trainers from all over Europe with over ten years experience.

They offer:
·      Yoga
·      Kickboxing
·      Pilates
·      TRX
·      Cardio
·      Dancing
They also have an application both for the IPhone and Android, where you can cancel or book an appointment instead of calling.
Bfit is located in Injazat Tower, Sharg area. Tel: 22202055/6. Opening Hours 6AM-9PM.
For more information you can check their website: